Thursday, June 20, 2013

Reading up for someday

Who doesn't like to live vicariously? I've taken it to a whole new level.

I am obsessed with reading about travel. I send away for free trip planning catalogs, I comb National Geographic Traveler's site, I subscribe to about 20 travel emails. All this goes on while I know full well that I am not going to be taking any trip, anywhere, anytime soon. 
I don't get sad when looking at trip itineraries that seem like they were written just for me. I may get a bit wistful, but mostly I absorb every detail, every photo, every travel tip.
Though it seems nearly impossible now, I do believe that someday I will get to go on my dream trips. I don't know why I am so positive about this, since my nature is to be pessimistic about nearly everything. 
I don't require four-star hotels or high-priced entertainment. I would be happiest wandering about in the countries and towns I have admired from afar for so long. I'd love to absorb the culture, the lifestyle, the language, the food, the music and history of faraway lands.
I get a little taste of all of that, of the endless possibilities, by reading up on other people's travels. One thing I do know for certain is that I would rather experience these places without the label of "tourist" attached to me. In order to do that, I believe a good deal of research is needed. I tell myself that's what I'm doing now. 
Works for me.
Someday, I will get there. 

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